Auréole, the world-renowned chamber ensemble, has been delighting audiences with imaginative and ground-breaking programs for over 25 years. The sound of flute, viola, and harp conjures a landscape that can encompass the stillness and quiet of an impressionist sunset, and the wild abandon of a folk dance. It brings together the three essential timbres of an orchestra—wind, string and percussion— into a uniquely colorful and versatile chamber music ensemble.
Listen to this interview with the Aureole Trio on WWFM radio, August 29, 2019.
New Album: “Embracing the Wind”
Embracing The Wind is Auréole’s fifteenth album, and their debut recording on the AMR label. The first work on the album, by Israeli composer Paul Ben-Haim, fittingly titled Chamber Music, is regarded as one of his most intimate in instrumentation and content. It explores a colorful dialogue between the three instruments that moves from playful to meditative and prayerlike. It was composed in 1978 and is, as was Debussy’s cornerstone Sonate for the same combination, one of Ben-Haim’s last works before his death in 1984. Chamber Music was commissioned by the New York-based Criterion Foundation.
Photo by Lisa Mazzucco